What is the peanut-head guy eating?!?!?!?!?!?
a sandwich
peanut-head guy… HAHAHAHA
HAHA! Ahh… go Steve. Who’s the chick at the bar? You made her face poop color.
oh yeah, i guess she does looks greenish… i.. will.. fix… that.
So true…furthermore…Fox should have never cancelled the Sarah Connor Chronicles…bastards.
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What is the peanut-head guy eating?!?!?!?!?!?
a sandwich
peanut-head guy… HAHAHAHA
HAHA! Ahh… go Steve. Who’s the chick at the bar? You made her face poop color.
oh yeah, i guess she does looks greenish… i.. will.. fix… that.
So true…furthermore…Fox should have never cancelled the Sarah Connor Chronicles…bastards.